Furniture and workspace
If you are moving, expanding or planning to upgrade your office, PLE, with his sister company, AFFARI Office Furniture, can help you save money and optimize your office space. We offer a broad selection of furniture options and the best value on brand name furniture to fit any space and budget. We can guide you to design office space that inspires and improves work place comfort and efficiency.
Turn-key Projects
From design to installation we can provide end-to-end project management to save you time and money. Our specialists work with you to find flexible solutions configured to optimize space and maximize natural lighting. We have delivered small and large projects and depending on project requirements, can provide design plans scaled to measure, autocad drawings or 3D color rendering. We can also work with established interior designers and architects.
Learn more about AFFARI office furniture.
New Office Furniture
Choose from a wide selection of brand name furniture ranging from file cabinets, chairs, single and clustered workstations, height-adjustable desks, executive suites, reception desks, call center cubicles and more.
Learn more about AFFARI office furniture.
Refurbished Office Furniture
Save up to 30-50% all while reducing your environmental footprint by choosing a refurbished furniture option. We work with industry-leading partners in advancing green building practices and can offer recycled, high-end OEM brand name furniture into “like- new” products.
Learn more about AFFARI office furniture.
Pre-owned Office Furniture
Great buys on gently used furniture ranging from filing cabinets, desks, chairs, and workstations. Click on image to get more details on what is currently available.
Learn more about AFFARI office furniture.